Photo profile_Minh Cuong Doan

Minh Cuong DOAN

As a language lover and international trade marketer, my goal is to share my knowledge and experience in learning romance languages with others.

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Why we have an accent in a foreign language?

Why we have an accent in a foreign language?

Well, when we speak a foreign language, we all try to imitate an accent of native speaker, but when we speak most of us still have an accent of forever that easy to recognize. When we talk in a language that’s not our own, we might sound a little different, that’s obviously.  But why does this happen? Let’s find out in simple words.

1. Different Sounds: Every language has its special sounds. Some sounds in our language might not be in the new language. So, we use the sounds we know, and that makes us sound different.

Take the example of Emmanuel Macron, the president of France. When he speaks English, you can clearly hear the influence of French accents. Nasal sounds, a key feature of French, are among the most notable acoustic features. Non-native French speakers, when trying to speak English, tend to retain a bit of this nasal sound, even when they want to pronounce English correctly.

emmanuel macron speaking english


2. Talking Style

How we talk in our language might not match the new language. We say words in a certain way because that’s how we’re used to it. Changing this is tricky.

3. Stress and Music

Languages have their own rhythm and stress. Stress means saying some parts of words louder or longer. We might not do this correctly in the new language, making our accent noticeable.

4. When We Learn Matters

Kids learn new languages easily. Grown-ups find it a bit harder. So, when we start learning influences how close we get to sounding like a native.

5. Old Habits 

Our brain likes to use old habits. So, even when we try hard, some of our old language’s sound rules slip into the new language.

Hello in many different languages.

6. Listening Less

If we don’t listen to how native speakers talk, we might miss how they sound. This can make our accent stronger.

7. Talking Puzzle

Each language has rules about how sounds can fit together. We follow these rules in our language without thinking. But in the new language, we sometimes mess up.

8. Everyone is Unique

Some people catch accents quickly, while others take more time. It depends on how our brains work and our own special ways.

Remember, having an accent is okay. It shows that we’re brave enough to learn a new language! Accents can make us interesting and unique. What matters most is being able to communicate, not sounding exactly like a native. So, let’s embrace our accents and keep enjoying our language adventures!

A video bonus for you guys! Tchuss!

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Photo profile_Minh Cuong Doan

Minh Cuong DOAN

As a language lover and international trade marketer, my goal is to share my knowledge and experience in learning romance languages with others.

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