My background

I was born in Vietnam, and now I work at alveo3D and Alveo3dPrint in France. I’ve always been fascinated by the possibilities that language offers to break down barriers and connect with people. As such, my passion in life is learning languages, and sharing my methods with others.

Why this Blog?

I’m Vietnamese, living in France since 2020. I finished the second year of master international marketing at IAE Angers in 2023. But in the pass, I had a background in Civil engineering in Vietnam, surprise right ? Come here, maybe you want to ask me why did you decide to change your flied.

I began my studies in engineering, but as I explored new experiences and opportunities in France, I grew and discovered my love for learning romance languages. This passion led me to start a blog where I share my journey and experiences. Language learning is a big part of my identity, and each language and culture I encounter shapes who I am.

About myself_Minh Cuong DOAN

Language interests

  • Native: Vietnamese
  • Proficient: French, English and Spanish
  • Intermediate: Italian and Portuguese
  • Beginner: German and Latin

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The things I want to do in my life. Please let me know if you have any recommendations​

1. I designed/coded everything on this site myself, keeping it simple for accessibility, mobile and speed. I say no to Ads on my blog 🙅‍♂️

2. For any chance to work together, or to partner in terms of digital marketing, feel free to visit my portfolio 🎨:

Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor

 “I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse”

Social Media

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