Word of the Day: Copain & Copine

Image of the French words "Copain" and "Copine" with their definition and pronunciation guide.

Écouter la prononciation

1. Ce que cela signifie

In French, “Copain” is a masculine noun that means “close friend” or “boyfriend” depending on the context in which it is used. Similarly, “Copine” is a feminine noun that means “close friend” or “girlfriend” depending on the context. Both of these words are commonly used to refer to a close friend or romantic partner of the opposite gender. The word “Copain” and “Copine” can also be used to refer to a group of friends in a general sense.

The origin of the word can be traced back to the Latin phrase “cum panem“, which means “with bread“. This phrase was used in medieval times to describe people who ate meals together, often breaking bread or sharing a loaf. Because you wouldn’t want to share it with anyone, would you? Let me know in the comments below if you have someone to share your bread with…

2. Copain et Copine en contexte


1. Je vais sortir avec ma copine ce soir. I’m going out with my girlfriend tonight.

2. Tu as un copain? Do you have someone to share your bread (boyfriend)


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Minh Cuong DOAN

Minh Cuong DOAN

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